For individuals that don’t want to wear uncomfortable conventional braces, InvisalignⓇ braces are a fantastic orthodontic choice. This type of teeth straightening method would be less painful and much more convenient. Invisalign, however, remains an orthodontic procedure. To get the most out of these clear braces, we’ve presented a few tips and advice to ensure that your Invisalign device does its job properly and as efficiently as possible.
Floss every day
You could be brushing your teeth every day, but when was the last time you’ve flossed? Flossing should be more essential than ever when undertaking an Invisalign procedure. It’s been documented that aligners hold residue that lingers from meals and even brushing. Always clean your teeth carefully every day with floss, even weekends.
2. Stick to the 48-hour instruction
During your first forty-eight hours, your trays should be worn as much as possible. Several dentists recommend that you only remove them to brush your teeth, but making sure they are back in, directly after that. In addition, to get a better result, you must wear your aligners as much as possible, however during your first two days, this should be doubled.
3. Commit to wearing them at least 22 hours every day
Only if you wear them for most of the day, your aligner trays will work properly. If you don’t wear them every day for at least twenty-two hours, then in a shorter amount of time you’re less likely to get positive results.
4. Change your aligners on time and in the right order
If the dentist advises you it’s time to upgrade your aligners or change them, you should adjust them. If your dentist tells you to wait a little longer to change them, it’s highly recommended that you listen to them. If you don’t follow the correct directions provided by your dentist, you can risk throwing off your treatment estimated timetable.
These were just a few things that can help you get through your Invisalign treatment as seamlessly as possible. If you have any questions or would like to know more suggestions, please contact Dr. Roshanzamir offices in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.